Thursday, May 26, 2011

Thailand and more self discovery!

So I just got back from a six day trip to Bangkok and Phuket.  It was definitely a much needed vacation after my Taiwan trip, which I have yet to post about also.  Work has become more demanding and aggravating, to the point where I am actually going to sign up for Thai Boxing lessons to vent out my stress and get some exercise into my life.

I must say that this trip was definitely different than my others.  I was a bit afraid traveling alone this time.  At the same time I've learned some things about myself and about traveling alone.

I like to travel alone, because
#1, You get to meet people from all walks of life.
#2, Traveling alone also puts you into a position where you would do things that you never thought you would do especially in a foreign country.

Not that I did anything crazy or bad.  But like riding on an elephant.  I never really liked having close contact with animals, this time was no different.  Heck! I was in Thailand and how many times am I going to be in Thailand? Once probably! (although I do have my mind set on backpacking Asia for three months, after my contract is over, but you never know whats going to happen.)  Anyways, so getting back to having close contact with animals, you never know what the animal would do next.  What if it gets wild and crazy on you! But for some reason, I wanted to ride on it and did it, although I was a bit scared.  Especially when the guide got off to take some pictures of me alone with the Elephant.  The other thing that I am afraid of is any form of a small boat/raft/canoe/kayak.  Because I've flipped in a canoe before and it was just not a good experience.  I went on this excursion where we get on kayaks to go to these caves on the Hong and Phang Nga Islands.  I'm glad I did it.  Because it's always cool to see God's creation in a different view/light! It's amazing actually!
Riding on the Elephant, while the guide was off taking pictures. I was pretty scared!

Part of God's creation! Isn't it beautiful?!
Going towards one of the caves.

Part of the culture is to light katongs.

The tour had us make our own.
#3, Being on your own schedule and doing anything you want on your own. Eating whenever and whatever you want. Just go with the flow.
#4, Learning the culture over there. You pay more attention to your surroundings when you are alone.  I noticed a lot of things. Like...
*these Thai girls would be with these foreign men.  I think there is some kind of service, which I hate to say.  But the service is like renting the girl for a week or whatever time they are there.  The girl takes them around and I guess other services are provided also.  On one of my excursions though, I saw two couples/pairs like that.  I guess the good thing is that some of these men actually treat the girls pretty nice.  They talk like they're a couple with such care and gentleness, but when you listen to the conversation.  It's very surfacey... if you know what I mean. It's like a getting to know you session almost.  It's bizarre.  But at least these girls are being treated right, at least the two pairs that I saw and had some sort of interaction with.  It's a bit sad though to see this service being offered.
*the street vendors.  They're everywhere in Bangkok.  It's just like they plop themselves onto a corner with their cart and call it the night to do business there.  I wonder how it's settled, where they do business.  It's not like in NYC where they have permits and stuff to be street vendors.  How do they claim their land?
Khao San Road, Grilled Chicken.  It was not as tasty as a recipe that I made for Ash and Abe.  I was really looking forward to this too!

I had this like 4-5 days in a row! One of the many stalls on the streets of Thailand.

The floating market. Even these boats set up shop at random places and rowing through the river. SO COOL! This is definitely one of the best experiences of my trip to Thailand along with the John Gray Sea Canoe excursion.


Rice with chicken, dried shrimp, either pork or chicken blood, cilantro and all the fixings! It was pretty good, texture wise and flavor wise.  For less than a dollar US too!

Old lady making some dumplings! Isn't is freaken cool?! They do it on row boats!

Now the bad things about traveling alone.
#1, You can't eat as much as you would like.   When traveling with an extra person or group, there is just so much more variety and excitement! Though it still didn't stop me from ordering two or three things at once.
#2, In the back of your mind you are always scared to be paired off with " the weirdo", who happens to be traveling alone too, on your excursions.  Which happened to me this time! DARN IT EVELYN! WHERE were you when I actually need you to be around?! Maybe he thought I was a weirdo too. Seriously though, I know I just said I like meeting people from all walks of life.  But I spotted this guy already once we got on the boat.  He was wearing long pants, a button down shirt, shoes, carried a hat, and a bag with an umbrella, coke bottle and some other stuff. When we were going out to the islands and kayaking into the caves. Maybe a better attire fit for getting wet would've been better.  He was also walking around aimlessly and staring at people. The guy actually reminded me of Ralph from Three's Company.  Very awkward small talks. Very close body contact on the kayak which required us to lie down to get into the caves. AWK-WARRRRRRRRRRRRDDDD!

A video from the excursion. When we have to lie down to go through. 

#3, For some reason, I really had an issue with directions in Bangkok.  The public transportation system was great.  Traveling on foot though, was a bit crazy for me.  Either I lost my sense of direction or Bangkok is just confusing! It took me forever on my first day to find my darn hotel! Then I couldn't find a restaurant that some people recommended! I was just really frustrated.
#4, Living in style.  I didn't stay at a fancy place in Bangkok, and I usually don't stay  at fancy places when I travel alone.  But for Phuket, I upgraded my stay into a resort/spa.  It was a lot nicer than hostels and the other hotels I've stayed at.  I am a bit afraid now that I stayed at a fancier hotel.  You know that saying... "Once you go black, you never go back"?  I feel like this is just like that.  Once you go fancy, you can't go back to less comfortable places. YIKES! Let's hope that this isn't going to happen to me.

Now for the food! I didn't find any thai satays that we usually find, in thai restaurants back home. Maybe I'm crazy, but even in culinary school,  I believe I was taught that satays came from Thailand, Malaysia and Singapore.  The peanut sauce kind, just that each variation had their own spices and herbs.  I had curries, lots of seafood in Phuket, lots of organs and intestines in various soup noodles(something locals really ate a lot), fried meats on the streets, tried finding grilled meats on stick and papaya salads.  I had a lot of fresh local fruits, cheap too! When they are exotic and expensive in America!
One of my last nights in Bangkok.  Yes I ordered 3 things for myself!

A very local noodle dish.  Pig's blood, tofu, intestines, liver, lungs and noodles.

Khao Sao, Curry Chicken noodles.
Baked Fish wrapped with Banana Leaf.  I love the flavors of lemongrass and Kaffir Lime Leaves.
Clams with Thai Chili Sauce

Grilled King Prawns.  Very fresh!


  1. Dude, you had more variety of food than we did. Your brother's getting an earful from me about why we didn't get to do all the fun stuff you got to do. Envious!

  2. Really? I had more variety than you guys?! Maybe food is more important to me. That's why. Remember when he didn't let us go parasailing in Aruba? He's always holding us back! Well you more than me now. I wanted to go this time too, but no one was watching my stuff or would be able to take pictures of me up there. = 1

  3. i'm cracking up as i'm reading this. actually, i stopped when you said being paired up with the weirdo. that's how it was when the 11 of us went on the cruise.. poor andy wong. looks like you had an awesome time. props for being such a world traveler on your own!

  4. o and definitely the "i flipped over on a canoe before and it was definitely not a good experience" lol. miss ya.

  5. I went to those caves too!!! It was so awesome!! =) Miss you! xoxoxo (even tho you hate it! lol)
