I have two group projects due (Psych and Marketing), Accounting test on Tuesday, Italian quiz on Tuesday, Psych Quiz on Tuesday and a History paper due Thursday along with the group projects! Can they pack it in anymore?! Oh yeah, Accounting Final next Tuesday too.
I really can not wait for Italy which is coming in about 2 or 3 weeks. Less than 10 months to go before I graduate! You're probably wondering why I have to take all these courses in culinary school. I am going for a hospitality management degree as my bachelor's here. That's what they offer.
So I've been thinking about life after graduation, started to look and investigate on the options out there (in the world). I am totally up for Asia, I believe I have mentioned this before. I've looked and a lot of jobs seems like I would need years of experience. Hmmmm... I always wondered how I can get this experience if people don't give others an opportunity to learn and grow. If I ever open up my own business, I will definitely give people the chance to learn and grow within the company/business, instead of requiring 3 or more years of experience right off the bat. I am also looking into a master's degree program that is connected with a Marriot Hotel in China(there is an informative meeting for this program tomorrow)! Get the theme here? I am pretty much in love with Asia and it's cuisine. Maybe it is because I'm Asian. Who knows?! (shrugs) so... "say a little prayer for me"(forever and ever... you stay in my hearrrrtt... music trailing off)
Since I haven't updated this blog. It is going to take me a while to post all the stuff that I've made and tried. So this is just a little glimpse of the past two months.
My friends and co R.A's decided to have an impromptu pot luck. I made the Hainan Chicken Rice with the sauce. It's from Hainan, China, but you really find it in Malaysian or Singaporean restaurants here in the states. I think it's because of the Chinese population in Malaysia and Singapore. Either way, it's delicious! Whatever is delicious is good enough for me! My friends made a mole beef and another one made some kind of peppered vegetables. I know odd combo of food! But when you cross between cultures, this is what you get! I love it!
Recipe will follow next time.