Wednesday, June 30, 2010

The Next Step

I know I haven't blogged in a while.  My next step on my journey towards food has finally come.  I'm moving to Hong Kong! In a few weeks I would be working in a kitchen in Hong Kong! Who would have ever thought of this possibility?!  I'm pretty excited.  I'll be surrounded with good food, fobby people (which I love).  I'll be in ASIA! Which means it is cheaper for me to fly elsewhere in Asia! YAY!

Here are the questions that people have been asking me.  I feel like I should just wear a shirt with the following information on it.

*Where are you working at?  A private club in Hong Kong. (I can't really state the name here, I don't really know if I am allowed to, per the contract that I signed).  But if you ask me personally or leave a comment to ask me, I will email you back the name.

*What are you going to be doing?  I will be an entry level Sous Chef at the club.  Pretty excited for the position, pretty nervous and scared for the opportunity also.  But with every new opportunity you will always be afraid, how else will you learn and grow?!

*How long are you going to be there for?  For now I am there for two years, we will see what other  opportunities God will open up after that.

*Where are you living?  I have no clue as of right now.  I am not physically there to look for a place yet.  So I don't know.  Will find a place when I get there.  Hopefully on HK Island, so I don't have to commute like a dog everyday!

*What does your mom/family think?  Mom hasn't really said much.  My brothers are all for it!

*What will you miss most in NY? (This was a new one and a good one) I will miss all my babies, new and old.  The ethnic food that I won't get in HK- like real Mexican, Puerto Rican food, Dominican Food, NYC pizza, BBQ, falafel, hot dogs, buffalo wings.  And NYC Christmas, it's especially crazy in NY during this time.  For some reason I love it.  I love the smell, the people, the decorations and the music of NYC Christmas! I guess I will miss my mom too.

That's it for now.  Leave a comment if you have more questions! Or places to recommend to eat or see. 

Please feel free to come visit me, stay with me if I have room! <---- only if I know you personally and on a friendly term!

If not, I guess I can still hang out with you to be your food buddy.